It’s not every day you get the chance to return to your roots and give your kids the type of idyllic childhood you had growing up and combine that with doing the work you love...
Realising the architectural vision for Kardinia Rd, Mosman was no mean feat from a building point of view. As you walk through the beautiful architecturally designed home and gardens and then gaze out to the stunning Sydney Harbour views, the home feels effortless and well considered.
Most people like to keep a close eye on their renovation projects, but it’s not every day you get to live on-site and see it at close range. We interview Tania van der Vegt to gain a little insight into this Paddington renovation from a home owner's point of view.
The COVID-19 situation has hit many businesses and industries hard. Within Australia, the building industry has managed to continue operations, albeit under changed working conditions and tightened restrictions.